Leeds United Statistics & Data

Here you will find our database of every one of Leeds United's 4,790 competative matches, including the Charity Shield, and details of every player who has made a competitive appearance for the club. As well as current season and squad details there are records of every season since Leeds United were elected to the Football League in 1920 charting results, transfers and season progress. Click on any individual team to see head to head results against Leeds United as well any players signed from that club.

Overall Record P W D L F A GD PPG* Win%
League 4,128 1,723 1,049 1,356 6,106 5,387 719 1.51 41.74%
Play Offs 18 6 3 9 18 19 -1 - 33.33%
FA Cup 269 111 63 95 428 362 66 - 41.26%
League Cup 197 94 33 70 328 261 67 - 47.72%
Europe 149 75 36 38 249 135 114 - 50.34%
Other 29 15 4 10 48 47 1 - 51.72%
TOTAL 4,790 2,024 1,188 1,578 7,177 6,211 966 - 42.25%

* Points per game based on 3 points for a win as introduced from the 1981–1982 season onwards

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