Am I becoming superstitious?

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Am I becoming superstitious?

Post by areeve1605 »

I’m going to talk about a slightly different subject this week, one that isn't serious and doesn’t really provide useful information (if I ever do) or expresses an opinion I have. I am in fact looking for answers as to whether or not I am becoming superstitious or just completely mad. Looking at our Tuesdays results, something has been bugging me and now I think I’m going to be a paranoid wreck on a Tuesday night whenever Leeds have a game. Let me explain:

I’m not a superstitious person (although things are changing I fear) and usually I accept that anything that happens in my life is down to the choices that I make in a brief moment. People’s actions and decisions ultimately mould what their life is going to be like. A personal example of mine is that five years ago, I was pestered for hours (literally) by an old friend to go out with him into town for a night out. I was with my cousin that evening and our plan was to have a night in, maybe watch a film or something. I got that bored of my friend asking me to go out that I agreed to which then led me to meeting my partner who I have been with now for five years. If I hadn’t have gone out and made that decision I don’t think I would have ever met my partner. On the footballing side of things, Pearce and White both decided to go for the same ball against Hull the other day and ended up running into each other allowing Hull to score their first goal. Kenny against Forrest decided to come out to punch the ball away from a corner and missed and Forrest pulled a goal back. White today has admitted that he took his shot against Everton earlier than he had thought (in all of milliseconds he could make a decision of when to shoot!) but he decided to and we went on to win the game. This is how my life progresses; down to decisions and choices I make and no super natural force can intervene with how my life runs its course and I believe that is what happens with others.

But now, I doubt whether I am right! I’m now thinking that there may be something supernatural happening with Leeds on a Tuesday! You see the thing is a work colleague, ’Bob’ , plays football every Tuesday night with a few of his mates. Sometimes these guys can't always play and therefore football is cancelled. All last season and now the beginning of this one, Leeds’ results on a Tuesday have started to depend on whether or not ‘Bob’ plays football with these guys or not. If football is cancelled, Leeds lose; if they all make it and can play, Leeds win. So when we lost to Blackpool and Hull they didn’t play. When we played Oxford and Everton and won, they played football! Now I’m going to just see if this continues to happen… I think I am becoming obsessed with whether or not ‘Bob’ gets to play football on a Tuesday. I asked him last night before the game if he was playing and this morning if he had and he did and we won! So now I have a superstition…or on the other hand, this takeover lark and my desperation for Leeds to win on a Tuesday is starting to take over me and I’m going mad.

Either way, most footballers, managers and fans have superstitions and I think I’m developing one now, albeit a very strange one. ‘Bob’ might start getting worried…
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