Doomed Leeds miss out again

27 May 2024 08:20 am, by Ellandback1

Good Morning. It's Monday 27th May, and here are the latest headlines from Elland Road...

Doomed Leeds miss out again

They'll be no fairy-tale return to the big time for Leeds Utd, after suffering excruciating Play-Off final agony for an unprecedented fourth time, at the hands of Southampton!

We were promised fireworks but had to make do with sparklers, as Leeds proved once again they were not up for the big occasion! Adam Armstrong's 24th minute strike (his fourth against Farke's men this season) was all that separated the two teams in the end; yet apart from a moment of magic from Dan James, there was very little to get excited about from the men in white.

There was little to choose between the two sides, but after going behind, the confidence got sucked out of Leeds, and there seemed to be an inevitability that things were not going to end well.

Where did it go wrong

Promotion was always going to be a tall order after losing so many players last Summer. Farke did incredibly well to assemble the team he did, in such a short amount of time, but we were always going to have to strengthen in January, to stand a hope of Promotion

As a club, Leeds don't learn by their mistakes. Last season, they failed to prepare for the Championship, and this campaign, after getting themselves into a fantastic position, didn't finish the job, deciding instead to gamble with the same 15 players, hoping they would have enough in the tank to crawl over the finishing line!

Winning three of our last eleven games is where it all went wrong, and Leeds have paid the ultimate price. You look at both line-ups yesterday, and can't help thinking that Southampton got it spot-on with their loanees.

Flynn Downes, Taylor Harwood Bellis, Ryan Fraser, David Brooks, and Mason Holgate (traded in for Joe Rothwell in January) made a massive difference to the Saints squad this season. According to Daniel Farke, Southampton were 1% better yesterday. Perhaps if we had used the loan system properly, it would have been a different story yesterday!

The cost of failure could run up to £150m

Daniel Farke will face the most difficult challenge of his Managerial career next season, should he decide to stay at Elland Road. Depending on which source you believe, Leeds will need to find £100m - £150m in player sales to keep themselves above water. Undoubtedly, this will mean losing the likes of Archie Gray, Georginio Rutter, Wilfred Gnonto, Crysencio Summerville and Ethan Ampadu.

Their task is made all the harder by the news that the deserters who fled Elland Road last Summer, can spend another season out on loan, running down their contracts, without so much as a loan fee in many of the cases. Of course, Leeds have the option to sell the likes of Roca, Wober and Harrison but they'll not be in a position of strength at the negotiating table.

All in all, If this were a computer game, even the most sadistic among us would be reaching for the reset button!

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andrewjohnsmith wrote on 28 May 2024 06:23 pm

Gerry Lynch saying today that the Kieran Maguire figures sound worse than they seem. He added that the Adams and Sinisterra money haven't been included in that figure yet and that we'll probably only have to sell a couple. Ger is one of the podcasters that talks sense.

GreennWhite wrote on 28 May 2024 11:29 am

Will we be any better of squad wise, come the start of the new season than we were last season ? by that i mean who we have for sure that will start the season with us and who still might leave. I think this is all set to drag on and on again and i can see us starting the season, not as bad as we were last season, but not in a situation were we have a full squad that Farke wants.
This FFP is going to mean all clubs being extra careful about how much they spend, they wont want to pay a penny extra if they can get away with it ( unless your club happens to be called Leeds United, lol ).
Its not going to be easy to do but if we have any chance of starting the season with a settled squad we need to get the players in and out as soon as we can. Our recruitment team are going to have to earn their corn this summer.

DDB220 wrote on 28 May 2024 08:18 am

Ellandback1 wrote: Mon May 27, 2024 10:52 am Would anybody be disappointed if we let Bamford leave on a free transfer to release wages?

Perhaps offer Ayling another 12 months. I think he could fit into midfield quite well, the same Ian Harte did during his latter career.
You cannot release on a free without a mutual agreement. Mutual is the key word. Which in most cases this means paying out the remainder of a players contract. This would free up a squad place but there are no financial benefits. It would make absolutely no sense to off load Bamford with a significant financial penalty.

Unless he wants to leave, which means an offer from somewhere else, otherwise he will be at the club next season.

Richard wrote on 28 May 2024 06:29 am

Notwell wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 5:00 am The club is hoping... For these players it would only make sense to buy when there is competition. If not, they will loan them for another season IF they wish to keep them.

In that list I don't think that anyone else than Harrison falls into that category. We will have problems raising 70 mill, and FFP sanctions can hit us as well. That is the harsh reality.
Either way, £70m is a lot better than £150m and it’s not like it isn’t expected, it’s just how the club structured the purchases.

Regarding FFP - Remember we didn’t actually spend that much buying these players as we sold Raphinha and KP that season I think we had a net spend of £42m

At the start of this season we sold Sinisterra and Tyler Adams. All the loan rats wages were paid by the loan clubs and we had parachute money, we’ll have it again next season. Someone even reported that the Adams and Sinisterra fees can be deducted from that £70m meaning we need to raise £30m

Each year a players value decreases for FFP purposes it can go down as a loss that doesn’t count towards FFP. Selling at a loss won’t impact FFP a great deal.

I’m not saying we won’t need to be cautious, but there is no point following all the NewsNow click bait scaremongering. We will no doubt sell 2-3 players, Gnonto and Summerville spring to mind. £5m for Llorente is on the table, Wober £7m (we want more) Harrison I’ve no idea what the fee could be.

andrewjohnsmith wrote on 28 May 2024 05:46 am

Notwell wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 5:00 am The club is hoping... For these players it would only make sense to buy when there is competition. If not, they will loan them for another season IF they wish to keep them.

In that list I don't think that anyone else than Harrison falls into that category. We will have problems raising 70 mill, and FFP sanctions can hit us as well. That is the harsh reality.
Sadly, it's all in the hands of the players. The club have no control. We didn't get promoted. So, just like this season, they're all free to go out on loan again next season. Marc Roca confirmed that in a recent interview. They'll all go out on loan again. Run their contracts down. And we'll get no return on the money we paid out for them. Maybe some will have a conscience and/or realize their career might be better with Leeds next season. But I doubt it. Pretty sure they'll all make the choice to go out on loan again next season.